3. voraus.runtime

Main components of the voraus.runtime – the base layer of the voraus.core software stack.

Fig. 3 Main components of the voraus.runtime – the base layer of the voraus.core software stack.

The voraus.runtime (see Fig. 3) is the base layer of the voraus.core – the middleware for building a modern software stack for industrial automation. It provides interfaces to customize automation system control from interface down to driver level.

The voraus.runtime allows the deployment and execution of encrypted and licensable software components (License Handling). It provides error management and logging to make the orchestration of multiple services easy. Additionally, it offers features for managing software deployment, backup, restoration, and updates; empowering users to keep control over their systems (core services).

If required, the voraus.runtime is delivered with a real-time operating system.


  • Complete extensibility

  • Modern basis for fast, efficient and sustainable development of automation solutions

The voraus.runtime is the basis to deploy driver and build a modern automation stack. In most scenarios the runtime will be combined with either a robot or a fieldbus driver, or multiple robots and fieldbus drivers, and much more.


  • Real-time operating system

  • OPC UA server/APIs

  • Full Python API

  • Error management

  • System control

  • Log management

  • License management

  • Container management

  • Deploy/update/rollback

  • Backup/restore

  • Documentation/examples