5. Tutorials

5.1. Custom Commands

5.1.1. Introduction

The tutorial demonstrates how Custom Commands simplify the program creation.

Within the tutorial a program is created from scratch using Custom Commands. As example application the deburring of a wheel rim with a deburring tool is considered. (Fig. 93).

Example application

Fig. 93 Example application

In detail,

  1. the deburring tool has to be taken from the green box (Fig. 93/),

  2. moved around the wheel rim (Fig. 93/) and

  3. be placed in the red box (Fig. 93/).

The tool is picked up and held by the gripper mounted to the robot flange.


Throughout the tutorial only the gripper is shown but not the deburring tool.

While this tutorial will guide you through all the steps of the implementation, you can also find the final version of the program in the Examples directory of the Virtual Evaluation Docker Image.

5.1.2. Getting Started


3D Visualization

For better illustration and to improve understandability, the visualization is populated with the objects described and shown in Fig. 93. To display the 3D objects in the visualization, the files describing the 3D objects and their location have to be moved to the /srv/voraus/voraus-hmi/assets/environments folder as sub-folder. Alternatively, if you use the Virtual Evaluation Docker Image, the scene wheel_rim_with_boxes is already installed and can be activated as described in the Load a preinstalled voraus.operator scene tutorial.


The 3D objects are not required to replicate the tutorial. All poses and motions work with and without the 3D objects present.


The application uses the Robotiq_2F-85 gripper. To activate the gripper, open the Settings (Fig. 94/) and select Tools (Fig. 94/). In the tool list search for the Robotiq_2F-85 gripper and activate it (Fig. 94/). If you try to execute the program without activating the correct gripper, an error will be raised.

Gripper activation

Fig. 94 Gripper activation

Custom Commands

The tutorial requires the Custom Commands:

  • Move Circular,

  • Handling - Pick Object and

  • Handling - Place Object.

All required Custom Commands are part of the virtual setup and can be found under Settings (Fig. 95/) in the Commands (Fig. 95/) tab. If required, add the Custom Commands by clicking the Import icon (Fig. 95/).

Import Custom Commands

Fig. 95 Import Custom Commands

5.1.3. Implementation Steps

First let’s create an empty program which afterwards is edited step by step to the needs of the application.

Create empty program

Fig. 96 Create empty program

To create a new program, go to the home screen and click the New Program button (Fig. 96/). Give the program an expressive name (Fig. 96/) and description (Fig. 96/). Afterwards, save the program (Fig. 96/).

The application consists of the following major steps:

  1. picking the tool from the green box,

  2. moving the tool along the edge of the wheel rim, and

  3. placing the tool in the red box.

For each of these steps its favorable to have a pre-action-pose and post-action-pose above the pose at which the actual action (like pick, place, etc.) is performed (“action-pose”). With the help of the pre/post-action-poses collisions, etc. can be avoided.

For the application at hand the Custom Commands provided by voraus robotik can be used:

  • Handling - Pick Object,

  • Handling - Place Object, and

  • Move Circular

The provided Custom Commands simplify the program creation for the application significantly, for example, by implementing and encapsulating all necessary movements between the pre-/post-action-pose and the action-pose.

As demonstration compare Fig. 97/, showing the program for step 1 without the Custom Command Handling - Pick Object, and Fig. 98/, showing the program for step 1 with the Custom Command Handling - Pick Object.

Step 1 *without* the Custom Command *Handling - Pick Object*

Fig. 97 Step 1 without the Custom Command Handling - Pick Object

Step 1 *with* the Custom Command *Handling - Pick Object*

Fig. 98 Step 1 with the Custom Command Handling - Pick Object

By just adding the Handling - Pick Object Custom Command all required sub-commands for step 1 are automatically included in the program.

Continuing the program creation it seems reasonable to choose the same pose for the pre-action-pose and post-action-pose and to define the pre/post-action-pose relative the action-pose. In other words, the following settings of the Handling - Pick Object Custom Command have to be adapted:

  1. The pick-pose (Fig. 99/)

  2. The Configuration Method, to tell the command that the pre-action-pose and post-action-pose are equal and defined relatively to the action-pose. (Fig. 100/)

  3. The offset for the pre/post-action-pose defined relatively to the action-pose (Fig. 100/).

Step 1: Set pick-pose

Fig. 99 Step 1: Set pick-pose

Step 1: Set pre/pose-pick-pose

Fig. 100 Step 1: Set pre/pose-pick-pose

For step 2 one can use the Custom Command Move Circular. The Move Circular provides a clean and easy to use UI interface for a circular move command, otherwise, only accessible via the voraus Python-API. Due to its complexity, the Move Circular command does not provide a pre-action-pose and post-action-pose, and the corresponding move commands. Therefore, one has to define these sub-commands manually. To keep the program readable and clean, a group command should be created in which all commands regarding the circular motion around the wheel rim are added. In other words, the group command shall contain the following commands (Fig. 101/):

  1. a PTP command to the pre-action-pose

    (pre-action-pose: Joint CS = [-200.21, -83.59, -142.39, -44.02, 90.00, 110.21] | Robot CS = [400, 0, 10, -180, 0, 0]),

  2. a linear command to the action-pose

    (action-pose: Joint CS = [-200.21, -94.11, -146.37, -29.51, 90.00, 110.21] | Robot CS = [400, 0, -50, -180, 0, 0]),

  3. a command to perform the circ action

    (center-pose: Joint CS = [-191.39, -123.54, -100.04, -46.42, 90.00, 101.39] | Robot CS = [700, 0, -50, -180, 0, 0]), and

  4. a linear command to the post-action-pose

    (post-action-pose: Joint CS = [-200.21, -83.59, -142.39, -44.02, 90.00, -249.79] | Robot CS = [400, 0, 10, 180, 0, 0]).

Step 2: Commands

Fig. 101 Step 2: Commands

The Move Circular command provides different options to define a circular motion and many more parameters to tune the command to the needs of the application. For the application it seems reasonable to define the circle via the Angle And Center method (Fig. 102/).

Using the Angle And Center method, one defines the center of the circle (Fig. 102/), the angle of the segment which should be covered by the path, as well as the rotational direction (Fig. 102/).

Step 2: Circ parameterization

Fig. 102 Step 2: Circ parameterization

For the tool orientation along the edge of the wheel rim, it seems reasonable to choose the Orientation Interpolation option Constant to path (Fig. 103/). The Constant to path ensures that the tool always keeps a constant orientation with respect to the circle along the circular path.

Step 2: Circ orientation interpolation

Fig. 103 Step 2: Circ orientation interpolation

Finally, in step 3 the tool must be placed in the red box. Similar to step 1 the pre-action-pose is chosen equal to the post-action-pose and defined relatively to the action-pose (Fig. 105/ + ). The action-pose is chosen as shown in Fig. 104/. However, instead of the Custom Command Handling - Pick Object, the Custom Command Handling - Place Object is used.

Step 3: Set place-pose

Fig. 104 Step 3: Set place-pose

Step 3: Set pre/pose-place-pose

Fig. 105 Step 3: Set pre/pose-place-pose

5.1.4. Video

The following video shows the final application created in the tutorial.

5.2. Load a preinstalled voraus.operator scene

5.2.1. Introduction

The Virtual Evaluation Docker Image is shipped with predefined scenes that are ready to use. Some examples can be seen in Fig. 106. The scenes can only be loaded if no other scene is defined in the /srv/voraus/voraus-hmi/assets/environments directory, as it is described in the Install 3D Assets tutorial.

voraus.operator Scene Examples

Fig. 106 voraus.operator scene examples:

wheel_rim_with_boxes, small_automation_cell, pioneer_example

Table 2 Available voraus.operator Scenes




Fig. 106/

Two colored boxes and a rim. Used in the Wheel rim deburring example program. Best suitable for robots with a larger workspace.


Fig. 106/

Closed and transparent cell with a camera and a VarioShaker. Best suitable for robots with a small workspace like FANUC SR-3iA.


Fig. 106/

Two load carriers with various boxes and rendered target positions.

5.2.2. Getting Started

In order to activate one of the scenes, the environment variable OPERATOR_ENVIRONMENT has to be set to one of the values from Table 2. This can be done in the environment section of the docker compose file (described in Docker Compose Environment). Listing 2, for instance, shows how to configure a docker_compose.yml to change the scene to small_automation_cell

Listing 2 Define OPERATOR_ENVIRONMENT in a docker_compose.yml
 version: "3.3"

+      # Select a voraus.operator scene
+      OPERATOR_ENVIRONMENT: "small_automation_cell"

The variable is set to wheel_rim_with_boxes by default, so this scene is active in case you did not modify or unset the variable.

5.2.3. Troubleshooting

The loading of the scene is logged right at the start of the docker container. Reviewing the container log (as described in View Logs from Portainer) can indicate potential issues.

The loading of a predefined scene is skipped if:

  • The environment variable OPERATOR_ENVIRONMENT is not set

  • No matching scene exists for the content of the OPERATOR_ENVIRONMENT variable. See list of Available voraus.operator Scenes.

  • The /srv/voraus/voraus-hmi/assets/environments directory is not empty during the start of the container. Check whether a volume or bind mount is attached to this directory.